I've spent a couple of hours this evening refining some of the anatomy and watching Hot Fuzz on DVD. There are only some slight refinements since my last post. I've adjusted the hands and started laying in the feet and hair. I'm not sure if I'm going to sculpt the headdress in zbrush or model it in 3ds max, but we will see soon. I'm finding that if I try to add too much detail the anatomy starts to look weird. I'm nearing the state with this model where I'm going to pose it into a semi-final pose and continue sculpting it in position so that I can make any adjustments to the musculature before I go into high detail.
Here's the first work in progress shot I'm posting of the next character in this scene. I created the base mesh in 3ds max matching it loosely to some reference images I found on 3DSK. Don't be intimidated by the strange mass of hair, she is actually going to be wearing a large ornamental headdress. So far the form for it is blocked in. I'm also waiting on some photo reference for the face. Mark is asking the model if it is okay to pass on his photo reference to me. This is my first foray into representational anatomy. I'm finding the subtlety of the female form a challenge. The other more stylized characters allowed more of a fudge factor, which made them much easier.

Here are the three characters posed so far. Also check out the drawing by Mark Nelson.
This guy was the first model I posted on zbrush central. Check out the post here.I've posted all the work in progress images on zbrush central so check them out if you get a chance. So far its had 26,700 views. I've been very happy with the response.
I created the base mesh for this character in zbrush and then exported it out to 3dsmax to clean up the topology, then brought it back to zbrush to re-sculpt.

Here is my very first zbrush model which I started at the beginning of summer. This was basically the model I used to familiarize myself with the program. If you are interested in learning more about zbrush go to www.pixologic.com
I actually began modelling this guy in a relaxed symmetrical pose and then later transposed him within zbrush. The base mesh was created in 3dsmax. I was very hesitant to put much detail into this model as it was my first and I didn't want to overdo things.
The anatomy was purposely distorted to emphasize the stylized nature of the concept.
This being my first digital sculpture posts I wanted to start off with one of my favorite models so far. Here is a frog character based off of a drawing by Mark Nelson. I'll post a link to Mark's site as soon as he gets around to putting it up on the internet.This sculpture was done completely in zbrush. The drawing I went off was very sparse so I based the frogs anatomy very loosely off of human anatomy. I had particular fun working on the head making some fun patterns. The frog is holding a torch in his hands. I'm not sure how I'll make the fire. Right now you are seeing it in a lovely bronze, but I will be painting it to look realistic and doing a render outside of zbrush sometime in the future. He is part of a scene, just one character out of five. I will post more soon!